What is Doolin Arts?

Doolin Arts is the revolutionary wing of Hotel Doolin. We are a not-for-profit flying column of creative souls committed to supporting and defending the arts in the trenches of North Clare.


Doolin Arts runs the annual Doolin Folk Festival, Hedge School Doolin and regular events in The Attic at Hotel Doolin. We have also released music under the Doolin Arts Record Label, published a book, produced an independent film and we supported independent theatre.


Last year we released our first album Cocooning Heart by Myles O’Reilly on the Doolin Arts Record Label and brought a traveling troupe of local musicians, wordsmiths & filmmakers to our stage at Body & Soul Festival.


We published our first book under the Doolin Arts imprint this year and we worked an independent film with a local filmmaker which we hope to bring to a screen soon.

We are passionate about being part of a strong community of independent creatives on the west coast. Doolin’s location on the edge of the world is reflected in our ethos, we’re committed to art on the edge, embracing diversity and inclusivity. We are particularly excited about and attracted to artistic projects that make absolutely no commercial sense.


Check out www.DoolinArts.ie to see updates with albums, and books publised by Doolin Arts, they are available to buy in the Doolin Arts store.


All festivals info and free / ticketed Attic events can be found at www.DoolinArts.ie/Events